What is the theory behind centrifugal pumps?

Centrifugal Pump Theory

Centrifugal pumps increase the pressure of the pumped fluid by action of centrifugal force on the fluid. Since the total head produced by a centrifugal pump is independent of the density of the pumped fluid, it is customary to express the pressure increase produced by centrifugal pumps in feet of head of fluid pumped.

Operating characteristics of centrifugal pumps are expressed in a pump curve similar to Fig. 12-5. Depending on impeller design, pump curves may be "drooping," "flat," or "steep." Fig. 12-10 shows these curves graphically.

Pumps with drooping curves tend to have the highest efficiency but may be undesirable because it is possible for them to operate at either of two flow rates at the same head. The influence of impeller design on pump curves is discussed in detail in Hydraulic Institute Standards.

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