What is ASME, Performance Test Code on Gas Turbines, ASME PTC 22 1997?

The object of the code is to detail the test to determine the power output and thermal efficiency of the gas turbine when operating at the test conditions, and correcting these test results to standard or specified operating and control conditions. Procedures for conducting the test, calculating the results, and making the corrections are defined.

The code provides for the testing of gas turbines supplied with gaseous or liquid fuels (or solid fuels converted to liquid or gas prior to entrance to the gas turbine). Tests of gas turbines with water or steam injection for emission control and/or power augmentation are included. The tests can be applied to gas turbines in combined cycle power plants or with other heat recovery systems.

Meetings should be held with all parties concerned as to how the test will be conducted and an uncertainty analysis should be performed prior to the test. The overall test uncertainty will vary because of the differences in the scope of supply, fuel(s) used, and driven equipment characteristics.

The code establishes a limit for the uncertainty of each measurement required; the overall uncertainty is then calculated in accordance with the procedures defined in the code and by ASME PTC 19.1.

Mechanical Parameters
Some of the best standards from a mechanical point of view have been written by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as part of their mechanical equipment standards.

The ASME and the API mechanical equipment standards are an aid in specifying and selecting equipment for general petrochemical use. The intent of these specifications is to facilitate the development of high-quality equipment with a high degree of safety and standardization.

The user's problems and experience in the field are considered in writing these specifications. The task force, which writes the specifications, consists of members from the user, the contractor, and the manufacturers. Thus, the task-force team brings together both experience and know-how.

The petroleum industry is one of the largest users of gas turbines as prime movers for drives of mechanical equipment and also for power generation equipment. Thus the specifications written are well suited for this industry, and the tips of operation and maintenance apply for all industries. This section deals with some of the applicable API and ASME standards for the gas turbine and other various associated pieces.

It is not the intent here to detail the API or ASME standards, but to discuss some of the pertinent points of these standards and other available options. It is strongly recommended that the reader obtain from ASME and API all mechanical equipment standards.

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